At the southern most tip, of what now is called Argentina ; there was a grand council, of elders. At this meeting, came the oldest and wisest, of the chief temple priest. As they sat, facing the sea; the priest began to speak, and in their ancient native tongue, and dialect. “Hear me; great and mighty men.” He said. “For, I will not be with you, much longer.” Slow, but, precisely; the old one went on to say: [I will, attempt to, translate his words] – “Before we reached these shores, we were an even greater people; but, to the north.” “And, before that, we crossed a great bridge of ice; some perished, during this exodus.” “We are the descendants, of those who persevered.”
The temple priest and scribe continues, “During times of war, and, during times of peace; never forget to tell the children: who we were; and, who we are.” “And, better yet: who we are not.” “Record it, in archival tomes; preserve it, in art; and, in dance; and, in song. Do these things; and, our little ones, will grow strong.” “Never will they forget; and, never will they perish, from the Earth.”
Then, slowly, the priest stands; and, turns: facing the sea. And, behold: appearing, in the eastern skies, came a giant fiery bird. This bird, having a crown of gold; fine feathers, of majestic purple; red; and, the bluest of blue. The bird swoops; taking the priest away. Higher and higher, the bird flies: to return, forever more, unto the eastern skies. Until, the Great Spirit… calls us all …