Thursday, December 16, 2010

[ 8 ] .

The visual and story dynamics, of this gritty saga, of intrigue and revenge; is not simple, but will “flow” like the following:

Kenji Kamiyama, Mamoru Oshii, & Masamune Shirow's GHOST IN THE SHELL, meet Sister Souljah's THE COLDEST WINTER EVER.

Our Story Begins:


From- Kwan Robenson, Manager: Program Operatives & Logistics.
To-Damien Sonderland, Director: Special Office, N.E.T. * Central Command.

This year’s objectives are met. Number Eight, 8, has completed her personal crusade ; and, is considering our offer. I am, still, unable to determine who is assisting her. What she has accomplished, over the past fourteen months, is impossible without help.

Also, the three lone operatives have not been identified. They “miraculously” arrive on scene; when the area becomes, too hot to handle. Yet, at mission completion, they are not to be found. Number 8 claims no affiliation.

If she decides to work with us
, The Workerman will act as mentor. The man from Peru is one of our best instructors; and, already has a working relationship.

There is more, but, I will discuss it; at our face to face.

I am looking forward, to next months meeting. [ K.R. ]

( * ) N.E.T. - Network Of Enigmatic Talents

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