Tuesday, October 9, 2012


An Interstellar / Quantum Universal Sci-Fantasy ..?

In the beginning, there were three great forces. They called each other by name: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. And, all was good. 

Then behold: they send, The Son, out into the void. The Son, being the embodiment of life, speaks to nothing; and, something became.   Then the Son spoke to this something, and this something became Heaven.  And, all was good.

The Father, with The Holy Spirit; conferred with The Son. They say, “Let us make living beings; imbued with some of our power. They will do our bidding; but, will have the freedom to choose: a will to do, and, not to do.” 

So, behold. The Son speaks to nothing; and nothing became something. This something, that came from nothing; became.  Then,  The Son speaks to the something; and  the  something morphs and forms, into a fantastic creature: a being too beautiful, to define.
The Father; The Son; and The Holy Spirit say, “We will call this one, Lucifer; and, all his kind, we will call angels. They will be our messengers, throughout Heaven; and all creation.” And, all was good. 

The Son, again, speaks to nothing; and nothing, became something.  Slowly, this something starts morphing; forming billions of entities: creatures of pure light, and dancing flame.  All to be given life, powers, and purpose.  And, all was good.

The Traveling
Then, The Father; The Son; and The Holy Spirit say, ”Let us make other creatures; let us make other worlds: filling all of creation, with our glory. And, it was so.

They being God converse and plan.  Then behold: The Son, the creator of all; chooses to inspect creation.  Lucifer, the first of his kind, and an arch angel; would travel with The Son.
Eternity moves unto, continued, eternity.  God would expand creation; and, The Son would continue to inspect God’s domain.  Lucifer continues to travel with The Son; enjoying his proximity, and the status of his station.  And, all was good. 

Then, There Was War

The Father and The Holy Spirit agree, saying, “  Let us meet !! ”   So, behold: The Father, The Holy Spirit, and The Son; all being God, gather.  But, they did not confer with Lucifer; for, he was not God.  And, all was not good. 

Lucifer was the most beautiful. He was the most powerful, of the created beings; leader of the heavenly host; and present at the birth of many of Heaven’s wonders. Even, witnessing the beginnings of man.   However, all was not good. 

All was not good, for where light stood, became darkness. Where darkness stood, became envy; and where envy stood, became anger. Where anger stood, became death. Lucifer, being the created; wanted to be, the creator. He being created now wanted to be, God. And, all was not good. 

Then, the “sharing” began. The seeds of envy formed into doubt. Doubt was shared. Seeds of doubt formed distrust; and distrust was shared. Seeds of distrust, congealed into a revolt; and one revolt, became many.   For, all was not good. 

Many revolts expanded into campaigns, of rebellion. One of these campaigns was a plot against the very life, of The Son. This meant war: a war in heaven. Suddenly, there was a sound of many thunders; fierce lighting, and crackling flame. Finally it happened: Lucifer, the proven enemy of creation, was cast out. A portal in time and space rips open; and with great force, one third of the angels, fall from eternity’s grasp.


There was woe and mourning, throughout Heaven, and all creation. Yet, all was not lost. The Godhead had conferred; and, had planned. Their purpose was in the Son. The Son, now, was called Jesus; and, Jesus being called, The Christ.

Some where in The East, there was a gathering; of great and very wise men. They pondered, “What of this star, which moves in the heavens?” …………………

..................................................................…. The End??

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


To explore more, view all blog posts; and check out  My  Portfolio,  at right.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


" Many of us, don't know; because we, just, don't know. "     Maybe, I am too much of an optimist, to believe that racial healing and harmony can be reached.   Yet, it is that forward thinking, which makes AMERICA so great.   My belief is this book, like many others; is a step in the right direction.  And, can be easily read, by all races; because it is not written in a caustic manner.  

I firmly believe, it can begin the healing and harmony of both White and Black; and, everyone in-between.   I know this, because of my own experience:  when one is aware, and adores one's own history and contribution; As A People, it is easy to love and adore someone else's.   Personally, I learn from and respect all cultures and histories; because, I first learned my own.

Closed mindedness and narrow thinking, can only breed one thing:  destruction.     And, this is what our true enemy wants; [
 " The Devil " - by what ever name you choose] , ...  destruction.                                                                      

Total racial harmony and humanity is a win, win; for all concerned.    

 At least, this is my thinking.


Thursday, June 14, 2012


The only way to explain the visual and story dynamics, of this coming of age quest, is the following: Lord Of The Rings; Apocalypto ; and, Harmony Gold’s Shaka Zulu.

Story - In the time of the ancient ones, tribal elders would take young men and women; into the forest. A small community would be built: young women, unto themselves; and young men the same. Then, the elders would teach: teaching history; how to hunt, fish and farm; taught the transaction of business; foreign languages, and diplomacy; how to build private dwellings, for their future families; how to cook; and, even proper marital relations.

All, the young men were taught to fight: They being full of themselves, and longing for battle. So, the elders would give staffs and spears; shields and small swords: saying, “You are warriors; you will protect us, and our way of life.” The young women were taught child care, herbal healing, and how to prepare healthy meals: meals, with ingredients, that would make the people strong.

After all these things and more, the initiates, would be returned to society. No longer youth, but, men and women: fully skilled, as contributors to the community. But, this is just the beginning, of their journey.

For, a great wickedness has come into the land. The witch-king, NAN, and his fierce forces; have brought great anger, disease, and an almost tangible darkness: darkness with the scent of death, and the taste of bitter almonds.

Let us, all, look back. Looking back to a time, when even Egypt was new. When the forests where lush, and the peoples where few. A time when great beasts roamed free, in the bush; and, all men walked tall, claiming the Clan Of Cush.
Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved



What would the world look or be like; if there never was “artificial separation; or, mis-education?”   What kind of future would we build??  


In the beginning, landscapes or cityscapes, were not interesting to me.  I enjoy telling the human story; environment was always secondary.  But, that has changed.  While researching ancient cultures, particularly, those of ancient Africa; I discovered that the human condition and the environment were connected, and, on a spiritual level.  

GLORIOUS  was my concept, of what our future would look like; if man was to work together.  Then, recently, I found that there was an engineer [ and others, like him ]; that has  devoted his life to helping man "reconnect"; but, with a 21st century approach.   Not, just, drawing beautiful pictures; but, developing solutions, for real world challenges.

To learn more:  http://www.thevenusproject.com/                 INSPIRING.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Story dynamic: Dr. Who and Sherlock Holmes  meet  Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon.

My name is Kumar Mandala. I am a successful and enterprising evangelist; who has, unknown to everyone, lost his faith in God. Raised by Christian missionaries; I lived my entire life, in and around the church.

My father and mother said that they fell in love with me; and adopted me, as a young boy. This after discovering me, in a Vietnamese orphanage; for Amerasian youth. My true father was an American, from the Virgin Islands. The mother who gave birth to me, was a local women; a nurse that worked on base.

It is said, that my mother was unable to leave the country, when my father was transferred to Korea. Anyway, I love my adopted parents, for all they have done; and the lifestyle, they shared with me. However, something was always missing; a hole in my soul, that has yet to be filled.

Though, I have traveled the world, bringing many to a tradition which I adore; I could no longer live a lie. So, I resigned my post; and shut down my ministry. My wife, puzzled and devastated, asked for a separation. I lovingly, honored her request.

I then, became troubled by the fact, that I was still under contract to my publisher. They asked me to write a follow-up book; to my New York Times, Best Seller: The Ultimate Universal Rain. My friend, who also was my literary agent, advised me to go on a sabbatical; to work things out. He hoped that the change in my routine, would unlock, not just my second book; but, also the spirit within me.

While checking the web browser, on my new phone; I discovered a perfect get-away location: Moonhaven, an obscure little town, nestled in the mountains. Their chief industry was coal; however, the mine closed suddenly, over twenty-eight years ago.

Now, the town has been reborn; into a touristy, bed and breakfast/ antiques and crafts community. Yet, this is not it’s only claim to fame. It is a region filled with many tall tales, and dark secrets: secrets that consumed what was left of my soul. But, we will discuss this later.

I was oblivious to this fact. For, I was on vacation: enjoying the sights; the sounds; and the trees that eclipsed the sky. I was just driving the roads, to Moonhaven. Driving toward my eventual ......doom.

Copyright 2008-12, All Rights Reserved


Friday, March 2, 2012


A time of great turmoil, has come into the world. A time of civil strife and war, this world has never known. A time when babes, still dwelling in the womb; begin to lash out, at their mothers. Freak storms erupt on the land, laying waste, and then dissolving into nothingness; as if it never were.

Disease and famine rage in all parts of the globe. Yet, there still were pockets of great prosperity; indifference; and vice. This shame was shrouded by gleaming fortressed cities: large metropolises of promise, which can not be kept.

In the regions, encompassing these walled citadels; were processing plants, warehouses, and monolithic factories. In the sewers, swamps, and marsh lands, one would find mutants. These rejected are the refuse, from government and corporate sponsored super soldier programs: Men and women of honor, literally thrown to the wind. They loose everything: their families; their status; and ultimately, their humanity. They know nothing but hatred and revenge. Revenge against the system that created them; used them; then forgotten them.

In the old farming districts, and forests; dwell throw backs, to a more desolate time. On once abundant tracts of land, are vast refuge camps; littered with slime ridden shanties, filled with the hidden horrors of slavery.

All of the above, and more; best describe the world, … just before its end.

A cast of characters

1] The Protagonists: Twenty years old, Kwame Davids; his mother from Ghana, and his father from southern Georgia. For the past six years, Kwame, has been plagued; not just by the death of his parents, but also by nightmares: elaborate dreams, of an impending doom.

2] Intelligence director, Mark Benin: Benin answers only to the Governor General; leader of the Northern Sector Alliance. Mark has one main mission; to find the present location, of Caleb Fairchild. Then wait for further instructions.

3] Commander, Jonathan Michaels: Michaels leads an elite unit of field agents. They answer to him only. He answers exclusively to Director, Mark Benin. Jonathan, also, has been plagued with dark dreams.

4] Caleb Fairchild: Fairchild is heir to the Fairchild fortune. His family line can be traced back before the Mayflower; then there is the rumor, of a royal blood line. But, this is idle chat. Caleb is a world traveler, and collector of antiquities. Caleb was last scene, six years ago; roaming the vast halls and corridors, of an obscure archive in Eastern Europe. No one has caught sight of him since.

5] The Twins: Two celestial sentinels; both sent to earth, as protectors and guides to Kwame Davids. One is a six foot four wall of sinewed muscle; a dark complexioned male, with shoulder length braids. The other is shorter in stature; but, fierce in battle. The shorter of the two, is Asian in appearance; with a slim, athletic build. He being consistent in his attire: always wearing a light brown skull cap, pulled down, over his eye brows; a light brown sweat shirt; and dark brown baggy shorts. The last, and most unusual of his characteristics; is his wearing of open toed/ open healed, leather sandals: even during the winter seasons.

6] Governor General, Demos Charismma: Demos is the leader of the Northern Sector Alliance. A man, who amazingly appeared, on the political scene; fifteen years ago. Charismma moved quickly up the ranks; of the most secretive of societies, to finally stand second to the “throne”. Second only, to the Supreme Governor General, Of The World Ruling Council. Note: The Governor Generals, supposedly, answer to the people of their sector. Demos Charismma, answers only to a magnificent; yet, mysterious light.

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