Thursday, June 14, 2012


What would the world look or be like; if there never was “artificial separation; or, mis-education?”   What kind of future would we build??  


In the beginning, landscapes or cityscapes, were not interesting to me.  I enjoy telling the human story; environment was always secondary.  But, that has changed.  While researching ancient cultures, particularly, those of ancient Africa; I discovered that the human condition and the environment were connected, and, on a spiritual level.  

GLORIOUS  was my concept, of what our future would look like; if man was to work together.  Then, recently, I found that there was an engineer [ and others, like him ]; that has  devoted his life to helping man "reconnect"; but, with a 21st century approach.   Not, just, drawing beautiful pictures; but, developing solutions, for real world challenges.

To learn more:                 INSPIRING.


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