Thursday, June 14, 2012


The only way to explain the visual and story dynamics, of this coming of age quest, is the following: Lord Of The Rings; Apocalypto ; and, Harmony Gold’s Shaka Zulu.

Story - In the time of the ancient ones, tribal elders would take young men and women; into the forest. A small community would be built: young women, unto themselves; and young men the same. Then, the elders would teach: teaching history; how to hunt, fish and farm; taught the transaction of business; foreign languages, and diplomacy; how to build private dwellings, for their future families; how to cook; and, even proper marital relations.

All, the young men were taught to fight: They being full of themselves, and longing for battle. So, the elders would give staffs and spears; shields and small swords: saying, “You are warriors; you will protect us, and our way of life.” The young women were taught child care, herbal healing, and how to prepare healthy meals: meals, with ingredients, that would make the people strong.

After all these things and more, the initiates, would be returned to society. No longer youth, but, men and women: fully skilled, as contributors to the community. But, this is just the beginning, of their journey.

For, a great wickedness has come into the land. The witch-king, NAN, and his fierce forces; have brought great anger, disease, and an almost tangible darkness: darkness with the scent of death, and the taste of bitter almonds.

Let us, all, look back. Looking back to a time, when even Egypt was new. When the forests where lush, and the peoples where few. A time when great beasts roamed free, in the bush; and, all men walked tall, claiming the Clan Of Cush.
Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved



What would the world look or be like; if there never was “artificial separation; or, mis-education?”   What kind of future would we build??  


In the beginning, landscapes or cityscapes, were not interesting to me.  I enjoy telling the human story; environment was always secondary.  But, that has changed.  While researching ancient cultures, particularly, those of ancient Africa; I discovered that the human condition and the environment were connected, and, on a spiritual level.  

GLORIOUS  was my concept, of what our future would look like; if man was to work together.  Then, recently, I found that there was an engineer [ and others, like him ]; that has  devoted his life to helping man "reconnect"; but, with a 21st century approach.   Not, just, drawing beautiful pictures; but, developing solutions, for real world challenges.

To learn more:                 INSPIRING.